Monday, August 27, 2007

Potty Training a 3 Year Old Boy - HELP!!!!

OK, I am at my wits end with my son. He has to be the absolute most stubborn child on the planet! We have been working on potty training religiously for 4 months now, and he just refuses to "get trained". He is in pull ups, which he calls his big boy diapers. We put him in regular underwear when we are feeling particularly brave, but my couch just can't take the pee anymore! But I have to tell you that it is so infuriating to watch him do the potty dance and run around the house when he needs to go, rather than just go to the da** bathroom. If we pick him up and take him in there he starts screaming and just goes in his pull up anyway. And then looks at us with a sly smile and says "I'm wet. I need a new diaper." Well, what the heck did you think was going to happen when you peed in your pants? AARGGHH!!!!
My daughter is almost 11, and she was potty trained a month after she turned 3. It was literally a 1 day process. Are girls just easier to train than boys? It's times like this that I wish I could just take him and drop him off at a potty training class somewhere and pay someone else to do it. Maybe I just need a Potty Training for Dummies book or something. He's going to be 4 in December, so he is plenty old enough, not that he seems to care!!


Anonymous said...

My oldest (now 20) was the same way. I knew for sure he'd be the only one in kindergarden with a pullup on. The harder I tried, the more he resisted. I finally backed off and the little stinker did it on his own. Not saying this is the case for you, but I know mine was just a struggle to exert his will and show me that I do not control his body. Been a hardheaded little bugger all his life - just like his mama. :)

Dana B. said...

It's times like this that I wish I wasn't so hard headed and stubborn as I'm sure he gets it from me (at least that's what my husband always tells me).
But, it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who is/was convinced my son will be spending his kindergarten year in a pullup.
I guess he's asserting his will to not be potty trained. :)
When he was 1, he had tubes put in his ears because he kept getting ear infections; 11 total his first year of life. So, he was a late talker. In fact, we took him on his first airplane ride last month to visit our family in Maine, and by the time we came home, he was talking up a storm. I don't know if maybe the altitude popped his ears open and he can hear now, or if being around his 6 year old cousin for almost 2 weeks did the trick, but he's talking in full sentences now, and we can fully understand what he's saying. So, maybe this has played a part in our potty training fiasco. Who knows. :)