Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, here it is the 13th day of September, and I am finally finding a few spare minutes to sit down and write. I have been super busy with my business, (YEA!) and now I am watching my brother's 2 sons, who are 2 and 3, during the week while he works. Oh, and in case you didn't read my plea for potty training help from last month, I also have my own 3 year old son. So, I have two 3 years olds, and a 2 year old running around here every day. Did I mention that they are ALL BOYS?!?!?! God bless my 10 year old daughter, she is a big help, in fact, she is keeping them occupied right now.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here. I've had a few people contact me to make sure I was alright (thank you), so I figured I should post an update. I plan on writing a few posts this weekend; there is a lot of stuff going on in the world that I would like to comment on. Did you all hear that our government granted Mexican trucks cart blanch to the entire nation? In case you missed it, here is an article: It's a good read.
Well, my peace and quiet is over as I am surrounded by toddlers. I promise to post more recipe reviews in the next few days; I have a lot to share. :)

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